High Level Assembler
HLASM integrates almost all of the functions of past
assemblers and provides extensions and improvements. HLASM Toolkit
provides tools to improve application development, debugging, and
Please! Verify all details or suggestions with the appropriate vendor and / or vendor's manuals.
GC26-4943-06 HLASM General Information
SC26-3494-05 HLASM Installation and Customization Guide
SC26-4940-06 HLASM Language Reference
SC26-4941-06 HLASM Programmer's Guide
GC26-8712-06 HLASM Toolkit Feature Debug Reference Summary
GC26-8711-09 HLASM Toolkit Feature Installation and Customization Guide
GC26-8709-07 HLASM Toolkit Feature Interactive Debug Facility User's Guide
GC26-8710-10 HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide
HLASM is IBM's high-level assembler product for its z/OS,
z/VSE, z/VM and z/TPF operating systems, which run on its
z/Architecture mainframe computers. There is also a version that runs
under Linux, primarily intended for systems running on a z/Architecture
system (this environment is sometimes referred to as z/Linux). Based on
IBM's H assembler, it allows assembler programmers to write code that
utilizes some features normally associated with high level languages.
Some of these features include labelled and dependent USINGs, more
complete cross-reference information, and additional macro language
capabilities such as the ability to write user-defined functions.
HLASM is IBM's high-level assembler product for its z/OS,
z/VSE, z/VM and z/TPF operating systems, which run on its
z/Architecture mainframe computers. There is also a version that runs
under Linux, primarily intended for systems running on a z/Architecture
system (this environment is sometimes referred to as z/Linux). Based on
IBM's H assembler, it allows assembler programmers to write code that
utilizes some features normally associated with high level languages.
Some of these features include labelled and dependent USINGs, more
complete cross-reference information, and additional macro language
capabilities such as the ability to write user-defined functions.
Everything you always wanted to know about HLASM. The HLASM
and HLASM Toolkit Feature manuals and related publications are
available in BookServer or PDF format.
High Level Assembler provides enhancements over High
Level Assembler Release 4 in the areas of system performance, system
usability and program development.High Level Assembler (HLASM) High Level Assembler and Toolkit Feature
What's new in High Level Assembler release 6 website
S/390 Multiprise 3000 (or compatible server)
S/390 Parallel Enterprise – G5, G6 (or compatible server)
zSeries z900, z990, and z800 servers (or compatible) and later systems.
High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE IBM General Information Release 5
High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE IBM Programmer’s Guide Release 5
z/Architecture Principles of Operation PDF files
High Level Assembler (HLASM) PDF files from z/OS V1R8.0
Related Links
David Woolbright's Punctilious Programmer, help learning assembler
Dave's unofficial HLASM web page
IBM Assembler Tutorial, References, Examples, Manuals: list of links
Assembly Language (CS-310), Western Illinois University course script
Links to more information about HLASM website
High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE IBM, Programmer’s Guide
IBM High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE Release 2 Presentation
This Redbook document is unique in its comprehensive overview of the IBM High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE (HLASM). It focuses on the management and organizational advantages of HLASM and provides helpful insights into the utility and power of many of its advanced features
IBM's HLASM website
High Level Assembler and Toolkit Feature website