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IBM International Technical Support Organization

IBM Redbooks publications are developed and published by the IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO). The ITSO develops and delivers skills, technical know-how, and materials to IBM technical professionals, Business Partners, clients, and the marketplace in general.

The ITSO works with IBM Divisions and Business Partners in the process of developing IBM Redbooks, Redpapers, Web Docs, workshops, and other materials. The ITSO is part of the organization within IBM Sales & Distribution.

The ITSO's value-add information products address product, platform, and solution perspectives. They explore integration, implementation, and operation of realistic client scenarios that include PeopleSoft, Linux, Windows, SAP, Oracle, and others.

z/OS books on Amazon

What On Earth is a Mainframe?
by David Stephens (Author)
On Amazon
Looking for a "Mainframes for Beginners" book? Need to learn about z/OS fast? Then this is the book you need.

Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics
by Mike Ebbers (Author) , John Kettner (Author) , Wayne O'Brien (Author) , Bill Ogden (Author)
On Amazon
This IBM Redbooks publication provides students of information systems technology with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic facilities of a mainframe computer. It is the first in a planned series of book designed to introduce students to mainframe concepts and help prepare them for a career in large systems computing.

Running Mainframe z on Distributed Platforms: How to Create Robust Cost-Efficient Multiplatform z Environments
by Kenneth Barrett (Author), Stephen Norris (Author)
On Amazon
“Should you choose to implement zPDT, RDz UT, or RD&T in your team's arsenal, you will find Barrett and Norris’s insights, genius, and hard work illuminating as to how to rationally and economically manage the environment.” —Scott Fagen, Chief Architect—System z Business, CA Technologies

Murach's OS/390 and z/OS JCL
by Raul Menendez (Author), Doug Lowe (Author), Mike Murach (Introduction)
On Amazon
"Murach’s OS/390 and z/OS JCL" teaches JCL statements and coding techniques for all versions of IBM’s OS/390 operating system, including the latest release, called z/OS, that runs on IBM’s new z/900 servers. This book lets you reach a new level of professionalism in a minimum of time. It takes a practical approach to JCL that zeroes in on everyday jobs, so you can learn to code significant job streams in a hurry. It’s filled with syntax and examples, so you have plenty of guides for coding JCL on your own. And all the content is presented in our distinctive paired-pages method that saves you so much training and reference time, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.

MVS JCL (2nd Edition)
Paperback – October 1, 1994
by Doug Lowe  (Author)
On Amazon
More than just a JCL book, MVS JCL is a complete guide to your MVS system. Yes, you'll learn how to code JCL for everyday functions like allocating data sets, compiling program, handling tapes, and using procedures. But you'll also learn how MVS works so you'll know why you code the JCL the way you do for any given job. (17 chapters, 496 pages, 227 illustrations)

Murach's MVS TSO: Concepts and ISPF (Pt.1)
Paperback – April 1, 1991
by Doug Lowe (Author)
On Amazon
Now you can quickly master ISPF with this practical book. Chapter 1introduces you to MVS (both MVS/XA and MVS/ESA) and shows you how TSO/ISPF relates to the operating system. Then, the remaining 7 chapters teach you how to use ISPF for everyday programming tasks.

MVS TSO: Commands, CLIST & REXX (Pt. 2)
Paperback – January 1, 1991
by Doug Lowe (Author)
On Amazon
Get a better grasp of what's going on when you use ISPF. Find out how to use the underlying TSO commands directly, for more control and more options. Combine those commands into CLIST or REXX procedures to automate the jobs you do most often. Create your own edit macros to invoke from ISPF. Use ISPF dialog manager to create procedures with full-screen, interactive panels. It's all here, loaded with examples to get you going right away. (10 chapters, 450 pages, 240 illustrations)

The REXX Language on TSO
by Gabriel F. Gargiulo  (Author)
On Amazon
This book will teach you how to write programs in the REXX language on IBM mainframe computers. It is useful for technical, applications, and maintenance programmers working on new or legacy code written in the REXX language. It describes the REXX programming language for TSO/E, MVS, OS/390 and Z/OS. (IBM mainframe operating system environments). The book quickly gets you writing programs in REXX. It covers all REXX language elements, all TSO/E built-in functions, and the more important built-in REXX functions.

The REXX Language on TSO: REXX Functions
by Gabriel F. Gargiulo  (Author)
On Amazon
The REXX programming language includes built-in functions that simplify programming. REXX Functions let you manipulate data strings or do mathematics simply with a minimum of programming effort. This book explains 72 REXX functions that you can use in your REXX programs. This book is about TSO REXX functions, but we have included a few that work in CMS only. The examples are simple and clear and will show you how to use REXX functions in your programs. A function is a built-in feature of the REXX language. Functions are always available to you when you are writing your program.

Murach's Mainframe COBOL
by Mike Murach (Author), Anne Prince (Author), Raul Menendez (Author)
On Amazon
This has been the number 1 best-selling COBOL book for professional programmers since its first edition in 1979. It is the only book that shows how to design, code, test, and maintain structured COBOL programs on the IBM mainframes (or enterprise systems) that are used by the largest companies in the world. Besides COBOL, this book presents the IBM products that every mainframe programmer needs to know including TSO, ISPF, OS/390 JCL, VSAM Access Method Services, CICS, and DB2.

Murach's CICS for the COBOL Programmer
by Raul Menendez (Author), Doug Lowe (Author)
On Amazon
Join the more than 150,000 programmers who have learned CICS using our CICS books alone. Now, our two-part CICS for the COBOL Programmer has been revised into a single volume that meets today’s need for fast-paced training. You get all the commands and features that are current today—plus, new chapters on creating web or component-based programs—in just 630, information-packed pages. You’ll start off with the basics that you need for every CICS program you write:

VSAM for the COBOL Programmer
Doug Lowe (Author)
On Amazon
This short book has just one purpose: to teach you everything you need to know to handle VSAM files in your COBOL programs. Concepts and terms, COBOL elements for all types of VSAM data sets, alternate indexing and dynamic access, I/O error handling, the AMS utility, JCL for running programs, VS COBOL II considerations...and nothing more!(6 chapters, 187 pages, 91 illustrations)

DB2 for the COBOL Programmer, Part 1
2nd Ed, Paperback
by Curtis Garvin (Author), Steve Eckols (Author)
On Amazon
This book makes it easy for you to master the essentials of DB2 programming. Written from the programmer's point of view, it focuses right from the start on what you need to know to access and process DB2 data in your application programs using embedded SQL

DB2 for the COBOL Programmer. Part 1: An Introductory Course
Steve Eckols (Author)
On Amazon
This is the one book that teaches DB2 from the programmer's point of view, so you can start writing programs using embedded SQL right away. Of course, you'll learn all the essential coding elements you need to write any DB2 program. But you'll also get the conceptual background on how DB2 works that makes it easier for you to learn and remember the coding details.( 11 chapters, 371 pages, 175 illustrations)

DB2 for the COBOL Programmer: Part 2 : An Advanced Course
Paperback – June 1, 1992
by Steve Eckols (Author)
On Amazon
Already know the basics of writing DB2 programs? There's still plenty to learn. Part 2 teaches you all the advanced features you're going to want to use as you continue working in DB2. From data manipulation to DB2 processing in CICS to dynamic SQL, this book boosts your DB2 skills...and serves as a quick reference when you're faced with new programming requirements.( 15 chapters, 393 pages, 164 illustrations)

CICS for the Cobol Programmer: An Introductory Course (Pt. 1)
by Doug Lowe  (Author)
On Amazon
Join the more than 100,000 programmers who have learned CICS using this practical book alone. Whether you're developing new programs or maintaining old ones, you'll learn all the basics that apply to any CICS program.(12 chapters, 409 pages, 168 illustrations)

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