Interactive System Productivity Facility
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ISPF is a full-screen editor and dialogue manager.
Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) is a software
product for the z/OS operating system that runs on IBM mainframes. It
includes a screen editor, the user interface of which was emulated by
some microcomputer editors sold commercially starting in the late
1980s, including SPFPC.
ISPF primarily provides an IBM 3270 terminal interface with a
set of panels. Each panel may include menus and dialogs to run tools on
the underlying Time Sharing Option (TSO). Generally, these panels just
provide a convenient interface to do tasks—most of them execute modules
of IBM mainframe utility programs to do the actual work. ISPF is
frequently used to manipulate z/OS data sets via its Program
Development Facility named ISPF/PDF, where PDF refers to Program
Development Facility.
ISPF is user-extensible and it is often used as an application
programming interface. Many vendors have created products for z/OS that
use the ISPF interface.
An early version was called merely SPF and introduced in MVS
system in 1974.Originally this stood for Structured Programming
Facility, since it was introduced about the same time as structured
programming concepts, but later the name was changed to System
Productivity Facility. In 1985 IBM ported ISPF/PDF to its VM/SP
operating system, where it was able to use either PDF or XEDIT as an
ISPF can also be run from a z/OS batch job.
Source: Wikipedia
ISPF Mamuals
SC34-4821-08 Dialog Developer's Guide and
Reference PDF
SC34-4824-08 Dialog Tag Language Guide and
Reference PDF
SC34-4820-09 Edit and Edit Macros PDF
SC34-4815-09 Messages and Codes PDF
GC34-4814-08 Planning and Customizing PDF
SC34-4816-09 Reference Summary PDF
SC34-4819-09 Services Guide PDF
SC34-4817-10 Software Configuration and
Library Manager (SCLM) Guide and Reference PDF
SC34-4822-09 User's Guide Vol I PDF
SC34-4823-09 User's Guide Vol II PDF