z/OS Communications Server
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Communications Server supports secure TCP/IP, SNA, and UNIX
networking throughout an enterprise. It gives you the ability to
connect subsystems and applications to each other and to connect
network devices. Communications Server consists of TCP/IP and SNA
IBM Networking software newsgroups
part of the z/OS operating system which runs on the IBM zSeries server
platform, z/OS Communications Server delivers high quality service for
enterprise transactions and data. It provides a highly secure,
scalable, reliable, and high-performance base on which to build and
deploy networking applications. z/OS Communications Server is a secure,
high-performance base on which to build and deploy networking
applications. It offers mainframe network security and enables SNA and
TCP/IP applications running on z/OS to communicate with partner
applications and users on the same or different systems.
VFTP makes it easy to install precise, low-overhead security and automation for file transfer (mainframe SFTP, FTPS, FTP) to and from mainframes, and for mainframe FTP servers and clients.
The best tool for monitoring the z/OS Communications Server and the mainframe network, especially the mainframe IP network.
Reduce Your Mainframe Costs!
VNAC for z/OS is the ideal replacement for legacy network management tools like NetMaster®. It's easier to use, comes at significantly lower cost, and includes a free IP network monitor.
VitalSigns for VTAM is the economical performance monitor for everything on your z/OS – TCP/IP, and SNA network.
Now you can manage your entire network easily and accurately, with complete information about every device, application, socket, and protocol - TCP/IP, SNA, FTP, and Telnet.
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