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SMP/ESystem Modification Program/ExtendedPlease! Verify all details or suggestions with the appropriate vendor and / or vendor's manuals.Overview of SMP/E
SMP/E is an integral part of the installation, service, and maintenance processes for z/OS software products and product packages, such as CBPDO, ProductPac, RefreshPac, and selective follow-on service for CustomPac. In addition, SMP/E can be used to install and service any software that is packaged in SMP/E system modification (SYSMOD) format. SMP/E can be run either using batch jobs or using dialogs under Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF). SMP/E dialogs help you interactively query the SMP/E database, as well as create and submit jobs to process SMP/E commands. SMP/e Zones SMP/E data sets for inventory,
zones, and libraries
To install z/OS® elements in target and distribution
libraries, SMP/E uses a database made up of several types of data sets.
There are three types of zones:
One or more target zones are used to record information about the status and structure of the operating system (or target) libraries. Each target zone also points to the related distribution zone, which can be used during APPLY, RESTORE, and LINK when SMP/E is processing a SYSMOD and needs to check the level of the elements in the distribution libraries. One or more distribution zones are used to record information
about the status and structure of the distribution libraries (DLIBs).
Each DLIB zone also points to the related target zone, which is used
when SMP/E is accepting a SYSMOD and needs to check if the SYSMOD has
already been applied.
JCL for defining a CSI VSAM data sets //DEFINE JOB 'accounting info',MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
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