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z/OS UNIX System Services

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z/OS UNIX System Services

The best of both worlds
The UNIX System Services element of z/OS is tightly integrated into the operating system. You get the best of both worlds: UNIX and z/OS.  UNIX System Services is a key element of our open and distributed computing strategy.

Fast facts about z/OS UNIX

  • It is a certified UNIX system and an integral element of z/OS.

  • WebSphere Application Server, CICS, IMS™ , Java™  Runtime, Tuxedo, DB2, WebSphere MQ, SAP R/3, Lotus Domino, and Oracle Web Server all use z/OS UNIX.

  • z/OS UNIX applications can communicate with DB2, CICS, IMS, and WebSphere MQ. WebSphere Application Server on z/OS using the Optimized Local Adapters support (WOLA) provides direct communication between z/OS UNIX applications and Websphere Application Server applications on z/OS.

  • z/OS UNIX is built for the enterprise where you can prioritize workloads for high performance when running with a mixed workload.

  • There is a broad range of ISV applications ported to z/OS UNIX.

  • z/OS UNIX has a hierarchical file system familiar to UNIX users.

  • Applications can work with data in both  the z/OS UNIX file systems and traditional MVS™ data sets.  MVS programs can access UNIX files, and UNIX programs can access MVS data sets.

  • The SMB File and Print Server enables a distributed file sharing infrastructure for z/OS UNIX files and Windows workstations.

  • Users can choose which interface they want to use: the standard shell, 3270, or the ISPF interfaces.
Read more at IBM website

UNIX System Service User's Guide
z/OS V1R11.0 UNIX System Services User's Guide z/OS V1R11.0
Purpose of this information:
This document offers an introduction to the two shells available on z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX)— the z/OS shell and the tcsh shell.
This document provides the information you need to use the z/OS Shells and Utilities on an IBM® z/OS® system. The Shells and Utilities and TSO/E (Time Sharing Option Extensions) provide commands for using z/OS UNIX.
This document helps you utilize the functions specified in the POSIX.2 standard (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 and ISO/IEC 9945-1992 International Standard; Portable Operating System Interface [POSIX] Part 2: Shell and Utilities). For convenience, it also describes other z/OS UNIX support services.


UNIX System Services — A Powerful Blend

UNIX System Services User's Guide - PDF


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